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लोक माझे सांगाती (नवीन आवृत्ती) - Lok Maze Sangati (New Edition)

Author: Sharad Pawar

Publication: Rajhans Prakashan

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मज्जानो मंडे - Majjano Mande

Author: Navin Kale

Publication: Rafter Publications

Category: अनुभव कथन



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मज्जानो मंडे (Majjano Mande) is a collection of humorous essays by Navin Kale. It was published by Rafter Publications in 2019. The book is divided into three parts: * **"अविश्वसनीय सत्ये"** (Incredible Truths): This section contains essays that poke fun at the many absurdities of modern life. * **"अजब-गजब अनुभव"** (Strange and Wonderful Experiences): This section contains essays that recount Kale's own personal experiences, both funny and heartwarming. * **"मज्जानो किस्से"** (Humorous Stories): This section contains short stories that will make you laugh out loud. Kale's writing is witty and insightful, and his essays offer a unique perspective on the world around us. Majjano Mande is a must-read for anyone who loves a good laugh. Here are some of the essays in the book: * "अविश्वसनीय सत्ये": * "कॅब ड्रायव्हरची मेडिटेशन पद्धत" (The Taxi Driver's Meditation Technique) * "असंभव शक्य आहे" (The Impossible is Possible) * "नवरा-बायकोच्या भांडणातली शहाणपणाची गोष्ट" (The Wisdom of a Husband-Wife Fight) * "अजब-गजब अनुभव": * "माझ्या पहिल्या विमान प्रवासाचा अनुभव" (My First Plane Trip) * "मला एकदा श्वास घ्यायला त्रास होत होता" (I Once Had Trouble Breathing) * "मी कधीही स्मार्टफोन वापरणार नाही" (I Will Never Use a Smartphone) * "मज्जानो किस्से": * "एकदा माझ्या मित्राने मला एक विनोद सांगितला" (One Time My Friend Told Me a Joke) * "एकदा मी एका गल्लीबोळात फिरत होतो" (One Time I Was Walking Through a Back Alley) * "एकदा मला एक अनोळखी माणूस भेटला" (One Time I Met a Stranger) Majjano Mande is a hilarious and thought-provoking book that will make you laugh out loud and see the world in a new light. It is a must-read for anyone who loves a good laugh.

हि पुस्तक सुद्धा तुम्हाला आवडेल