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लोक माझे सांगाती (नवीन आवृत्ती) - Lok Maze Sangati (New Edition)

Author: Sharad Pawar

Publication: Rajhans Prakashan

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कोरडी शेतं ओले डोळे - Koradi Sheta Ole Dole

Author: Deepti Raut

Publication: Rohan Prakashan

Category: राजकीय



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कोरडी शेतं...ओले डोळे (Koradi Sheta...Ole Dole) is a Marathi novel written by Deepti Raut and published by Rohan Prakashan. The novel is about the struggles of farmers in rural Maharashtra. It follows the story of a young farmer, Pandurang, who is trying to make a living from his dry and barren land. Pandurang faces many challenges, including drought, pests, and debt. However, he is determined to succeed and provide for his family. The novel is a powerful indictment of the government's neglect of farmers and a moving portrayal of the resilience of the human spirit. Here is a more detailed description of the book: कोरडी शेतं...ओले डोळे (Koradi Sheta...Ole Dole) is a Marathi novel that tells the story of a young farmer, Pandurang, who is trying to make a living from his dry and barren land. Pandurang faces many challenges, including drought, pests, and debt. However, he is determined to succeed and provide for his family. The novel is a powerful indictment of the government's neglect of farmers and a moving portrayal of the resilience of the human spirit. The novel is set in rural Maharashtra, where Pandurang lives with his wife, Savita, and their two children. Pandurang is a hard-working farmer, but his land is dry and barren. He has tried everything he can to improve his crops, but nothing seems to work. The drought is getting worse, and Pandurang is starting to lose hope. One day, Pandurang hears about a new government program that is supposed to help farmers. He goes to the local government office to apply for the program, but he is turned away. The official tells him that the program is only for farmers who own more land than he does. Pandurang is devastated. He feels like the government has given up on him. Pandurang returns home and tells Savita what happened. She is angry and frustrated. She tells Pandurang that they need to do something to change their situation. Pandurang agrees. He decides to start a protest. He and Savita go to the local government office and demand that the government help them. The protest makes the news, and soon the government is forced to take action. They send a team of experts to Pandurang's village to help him improve his land. The experts work with Pandurang to develop a new irrigation system, and they help him plant new crops. With the government's help, Pandurang is finally able to turn his farm around. कोरडी शेतं...ओले डोळे (Koradi Sheta...Ole Dole) is a powerful story about the struggles of farmers in rural India. It is a story of hope, resilience, and the power of the human spirit.

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